January 21, 2023 was the first HHCA  Adopt a Street clean up for this year.  With supplies in hand from the City of Hollywood Public Works Department, volunteers picked up trash from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.  Working both sides of Thomas Street from 46th Avenue to 56th Avenue, 12 garbage bags of trash was collected and disposed of. 

As we were picking up litter, several people who were walking/jogging the neighborhood and even homeowners came out and “Thanked” us.  People who were driving by honked their horns and yelled Thank You”.  

It’s a GREAT feeling to know what you do can and does make a difference!

A special Thank You goes out to Colton Snapp, Pat Benson, Marc Vollman, Sharon Nowell and Pam Burgio for keeping the streets of Hollywood Hills cleaner and the City of Hollywood Public Works for their generosity providing supplies. Colton may be our youngest volunteer to date.  He was so proud and excited about cleaning up around “his” school! Thank you Colton! Way to go!

The next HHCA Adopt a Street is planned for Saturday, April 15, 2023.  Mark your calendars and help your neighborhood stay beautiful.

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