While the rest of the nation is still dealing with winter we down here at the end of the map are already considering the yard and spring plantings. This year why not add a few more native species to your landscaping! Being a native species you already know they are going to work, thrive even. And many of them truly are beautiful and most are surprisingly low maintenance too!

The University of Florida has a handy list of plants with planting instructions and a list of some of the special benefits of each, like the Coral Honeysuckle for example…. the flowers are pretty to look at, attracts both hummingbirds and butterfly’s, and the berries attract many of the local song birds.

Check out some of these resources and make your yard just a bit more Florida this year.

Native Plants, University of Florida: https://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/plants/ornamentals/native-plants.html

South Florida Plant Guide: https://www.south-florida-plant-guide.com/native-plant-landscaping.html

Florida Native Plant Society: https://www.fnps.org/plants/butterflies
(no affiliation but do tell them we said Hi!)

Florida Yards: https://www.floridayards.org/
(More about gardening than landscaping, but still good stuff to know)

And speaking of making your yard pretty, we are looking for volunteers for the Home-of-the-Quarter committee. It’s a great job checking out the area and meeting the neighbors and talking about attractive houses with great landscaping. Send an email indicating your interest to info@hollywoodhillscivic.org or ask any of the Board Members at the next meeting (February 15th at the time of this post).

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